Friday, July 5, 2013


It is really summer now, 90 degrees today.   Matte and I decided on impulse to go see the fireworks at Dublin Lake last night, we drove by there when you came for a visit two years ago, a really lovely spot.   We parked on the far side of the lake as most spots were already taken but shared a nice view with a couple who had a 3 year old daughter.  We had Oliver with us and he and the little girl became instant friends.  The fireworks were pretty but they couldn't compete with the sunset we saw on the drive up and the stars that were out on the way home.

We had the top down on the car for the drive home and I don't think I've ever seen that many stars out.    Oliver was a bit grumpy by the time we got home at 10:30 as it was many hours past his bedtime.