Tuesday, May 27, 2014

nearly a year

Hi Mom,

The anniversary of your death is approaching and you are always on my mind, especially with so many beautiful flowers blooming in the yard.  I can't seem to look at birds or flowers without thinking of you.

I always think of lily of the valley as being your favorite flower and when I picked some the other day, I thought of you but was next expecting the strong emotion that swept through me when I inhaled their lovely scent.

I wanted to write a poem about lily of the valley and was reading about them, they symbolize the return of happiness and there is a myth of a nightingale who would not return to woods until the lily of the valley bloomed in May.  I think you would have really enjoyed that bit.

Walking outside, the air is richly scented with the lilacs, lily of the valley and viburnum.  There is the lovely sound of many bees too!