Friday, August 15, 2014

your birthday

Dear Mom,

Missing you no less it seems, don't think that is ever going to change.  I've tried to write less here but don't find I think about you any less.

It has been a nice summer here, not terribly hot and a bumper crop for berries.  We've mainly had black raspberries and blackberries in our yard but a generous friend invited me over for a morning of raspberry picking in her yard.  I made a raspberry tart just like the one you used to make with the cream cheese filling and graham cracker crust.  I found the recipe online and when I took the first bite, I knew it was exactly the right one.  Such lovely memories of you with every bite and used some of your jam.

I wanted to do something today in remembrance of you on your birthday.  I headed to the little French place here in town and decided at the last minute to invite my friend Jane along.  We had coffee and chocolate filled croissants.  I thought you would approve.

I miss you so much!  Wish you were here for all the bird activity - more chickadees that we can count, more cardinals this year than ever and a visit from the bobcat yesterday and one less grey squirrel.