Sunday, May 8, 2016

another Mother's Day

Dear Mom,

I thought of you all day and tried not to be sad. I went into busy mode to try and not get depressed.
Two pairs of beautiful rose breasted grosbeaks have been in the yard and at the feeders most of the day. As we rarely have them, it felt even more special with them showing up today of all days.

I can't see them without thinking of when I was a kid and that pair crashed into our picture window and died, it was like a double suicide. It was one of the few times I saw you cry, heartbroken over those two beautiful lovebirds with broken necks.

Hopefully both these pairs will have a successful spring and summer and have their own baby birds.

I will never stop missing you....

Grosbeak teaches it is a time to heal wounds for mental and emotional harmony. Forgiveness and caring should be exercised as relationships are evaluated. She shows the fine balance of situations and connection to family. She aids in recognizing the spiritual and physical aspects of all things. Grosbeak teaches to awaken to surroundings in increase activity in life. Watch for movement in new experiences. She helps in recognizing your own voice and internal power. Grosbeak shows how to increase psychic perceptions while remaining balanced within the new awakening you are experiencing.