Dear Mom,
Today you would have been 92, you have been gone for 4 years but it seems like so much longer somehow.
Summer is going by way too quickly - July was over in a blink and now August is half past... the days are already noticeably shorter.
The world seems worse every day but try to focus on art, pets and nature. I take the dogs on extra long walks every other day and see beautiful mushrooms all the time. Remember how excited we were when we saw Indian Pipes? One day I saw hundreds of them. Today there were some more.
I've enjoyed the Carolina wrens all summer and hope they return next year. I hear from the Rudy's several times a week, I thought you would be happy about that. Carroll shares a lot of her knowledge of nature along with many personal things.
Here are some of my most recent photos to enjoy on your birthday. We miss and love you!!