I didn't write yesterday, I was too sad. I thought I was doing okay and then I wasn't. I was killing time in the drug store waiting for a prescription and was going to start shopping for a birthday card for Melody, somewhat early I know but I have such a hard time finding good cards. Then I saw the ones for mothers and daughters and knew that neither of those would be appearing in my life again and I began weeping in the store and left. I wandered down to a clothing and outdoor store and there were some trail shoes in my size on the clearance table that I bought.
I couldn't very well put off going for a hike another day after buying those shoes so I wen this morning. I hiked up Pack Monadnock on the Wapack trail, 1.4 miles up pretty steep and rough terrain, mainly large boulders and tree roots. There were a few spots where it leveled out thank heavens. The views along the way and at the top were spectacular and I had a cool breeze most of the time and very few bugs.
I was planning on going down a different, equally rocky trail but my legs were so shaky from the climb up, I decided to walk down the paved road instead. I followed my instinct and that and was glad I did.
I'm so glad you gave me the love of nature, it is truly the best thing the world has to offer.