Thursday, July 25, 2013

Field Trip

Hi Mom,

It was a pretty perfect day here today, it was cool this morning and basically perfect temps and sunny all day.  We had breakfast at a new French restaurant here in town, really good crepes and coffee.  Remember how you made those really good crepes with the cheese and fruit?

We drove up to Concord and visited the Capitol building, The Historical Society (which was an especially beautiful building) and also the NH History Museum.  Each place was well worth the visit.  We were going to stop by Daniel Webster's birthplace but it is only open on weekends.  From there we drove over to Lebanon, another pretty town in the northwest and had dinner at the farmer's market there.    We talked about how much you would have loved all of those places, and wished you could have been there with us.

This is the beautiful stairwell from the historical society

and a pretty shot of the Capitol building which we spent quite a bit of time wandering through, they have a large collection of flags (some extremely burned and tattered) from various battles from the Civil War, Spanish American War, etc), those were quite moving when you think about the person carrying them was probably one of the first killed in those battles.

It was good to get out of the house today but planning on staying home and working for several days now.  It is so hard with you gone, everything I see and do, I want to share with you...