I had some nice news today, one of my collages was published in a nice art magazine. I was very excited about it and wanted to call and share my news with you. It is a shock to me over and over again that I am no one's daughter now.
I remember reading that somewhere years ago, that after our parents are gone, there is no one left to be proud of our accomplishments. How very true.
While I'm here, the orioles are still coming and eating the suet and don't seem to mind that I never remember to buy them oranges when I'm at the store. Several blue jays are now feeding their adult sized fledglings now and we have a bald flicker - not very handsome, I might add.
I ran across a quote the other day that made me think of you, and one I'm sure you've read before by John Muir
When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.
I have never wished so hard to believe in some sort of afterlife as I do now. I know you are alive in my mind and in my memories but I also want you to be out there somewhere...