Tuesday, July 16, 2013

walking in the woods

Hi Mom,

I forgot to share this photo of a gorgeous yellow mushroom we saw the other day in the woods.  Last night we spotted quite a few Indian Pipes over by Cunningham Pond.  We went right at dusk so didn't get to stay very long as they close the gates there at 8 p.m.  It has been so hot here, I finally got out my bathing suit today and plan on swimming some this week.

I have been reading and napping on the couch as it is been too hot for much movement.  A friend did let me come over this morning and pick her raspberries, she said she is tired of picking them.  Her dog, Esme, a cute black Scottie dog loves to eat berries!  I offered one to Oliver when I got home but he wouldn't take it.   We'll walk our dogs together sometime when this heat wave is over.  Esme has a hard time making friends with other dogs but seemed to like Oliver when they met.

You know I don't like crossword puzzles much but gave myself a fun challenge yesterday.  I cut out words from an old 1967 hair dye ad and made two poems from the words.  I tried for a third but lost patience.  So funny what a terrific response I got to those from people.   Reading the words for that ad over and over was amusing - basically saying if you weren't born a blonde, you should become one, apparently it would improve every aspect of your life.   How silly!