I haven't written in several days though you've been on my mind constantly. I've been picking berries in our yard every morning - it couldn't be more convenient than that. Last year I had to compete with the birds, this year when the crop is really good, they aren't interested which is a good thing.
The day lilies are in bloom now, we have them in pink and orange, I need to get them in yellow too which seems to be more common in our neighborhood.
I think the robins must have had a second batch of young ones and there are so many of them this year. I saw one adult robin attacking a red squirrel repeatedly - it must have been near its nest. At the feeder a couple days ago, one blue jay parent was trying to feed 4 young ones, how exhausting that must be!
I still have one last jar of your raspberry jam, unopened. I will eat it one day but not now.
I love you, mom.