Wednesday, December 31, 2014

End of year.

Dear Mom,

One last post this year. I've been here less frequently but that doesn't mean I don't think of you every day. To be honest, 2014 wasn't a whole lot better than 2013 was. I've neglected areas of my life and hope in the coming year I can achieve more balance.

I read voraciously all year, discovering so many new authors that I really adore. I did not spend enough time outdoors though and exercise was pretty much forgotten. While turning pages of books, I didn't notice all my house plants withering in the corners. It would be helpful, if they made some sort of audible noise so I would remember to give them water on a regular basis.

Here are a couple of recent photos, one from an especially pretty day where I was rewarded with seeing a huge flock of cedar waxwings downtown. At one point I was standing between two fruit bearing trees and they swooped back and forth right at head level. The others are from an amazing sunrise, even better since it followed many days of constant rain and grey skies.

I'm hopeful that 2015 will be better in many ways. I miss you always.