Sunday, February 8, 2015

February, my least favorite month

Dear Mom,

It really hasn't been a terrible winter, it just really feels like it is dragging on. Just when I was ready to start counting the days until spring, the snow has really started coming down. We have had some wonderful nature sightings this winter though. A mother bobcat with two yearlings. We feel very fortunate to have seen them because multiple cats is such a rare thing, being solitary creatures. I have really become interested in animal totems and all the messages they bring. Still difficult lessons to learn. The bobcat represents learning to be alone without feelings of loneliness. A very hard place to get to for certain.

We also had some gorgeous bluebirds, first at the berry bushes and then at the suet feeder. Extra lovely blue against the white and grey of winter. A few days later, they came back with six or more friends. Also have hundreds of siskins and goldfinches that all come together. I love how they flutter down like falling leaves one by one and then when they take off, it is in one massive whoosh!!!

I've been hearing from Martin on a regular basis, so nice to be in touch with someone who was a good friend to you and has similar interest in birds and nature. I'm sure he and Carroll miss you too.

I used to think that the bluebird on the mug you gave me had an exaggerated grumpiness to his expression but now I'm not so sure!