Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Hi Mom,

I went for a nice hike last Saturday and really felt your presence as I walked along, it was like I was seeing things for you. It was a short hike up Temple Mountain but saw several beautiful butterflies, birds, squirrels and one large snake.

the flowers are ones blooming in the yard right now along with Japanese lilac which smells wonderful.

Sunday it rained all day, fell asleep on the couch while reading with roast beef simmering on the stove. When I woke back up, before opening my eyes, for a very brief moment, I was sure I was napping in my old bedroom and you were in the kitchen making lunch. I was rather sad to wake fully and realize that was not the case.

I'm reading a book that I think you would have loved, The Soul of an Octopus. The author speaks of the intimacy one feels when one is bitten by a wild animal they've encountered and I thought about you swimming with the sea lions and how excited you were to have been bitten by one!