Last Saturday was your birthday, you would have be 90 years old. All day long, I tried to stay busy, trying not to think about the date. Piddled around with my art work some, created the collage below and didn't make the connection until hours later how much this piece is YOU.
Yesterday, I spontaneously stopped at the Robert Frost farm in Derry, NH on my way to Salem. Stayed for several hours, listening to interesting tales the two guides had to share. I again, kept trying to push you from my mind, knowing how much you would have loved it, afraid if I thought too hard about you I would cry. Also kept thinking of one of our neighbors, Gordon Hale, whom I know you would have enjoyed knowing and speaking to.
A few hours later, I learned of Gordon's passing several weeks ago.
Thank you for the gift not only of life but for teaching me to love both books and nature. I miss you so!
Since you've been gone, I've gotten out of the habit of buying myself flowers but am trying again to be kind to myself. Here is the 2nd bouquet I bought this summer, thought you would appreciate all
that purple!