Lately I feel like this tree. Stuck. Unable to make even the smallest of decisions. Trees have lots of great qualities but being so deeply rooted that you can't make a move isn't one of them. There are so many things I love about art but not selling on a regular basis is maddening. I have been thinking about returning to personal training. I keep teetering on the edge of getting started with re-certification. The first obvious step. The cost is more than double from when I did it in 2004 so it is a pretty serious investment. From there I would either look for work at a local gym or more than likely, open my own small studio. I don't think I could go back to working for someone else. It is very exciting in some aspects but sad in others.
I wish you were here so I could talk to you about this and so many other things. Everything I see or do, I still do with you in my mind. Melody went back to work and I'm sure that is helping her deal with you being gone. In a lot of ways, I'm sure this is harder on her since she saw you more often.
Sometimes writing this to you seems so stupid, I just don't know what to do, what direction to turn. I feel so lost without you.