Monday, August 19, 2013

morning walk

I'm trying to really value the last days of summer and approaching fall.  Rather than walk up and down the same piece of asphalt on Oliver's walks, I've been driving just about 3/4 of a mile away to take a nice trail in the woods.  This morning's reflection in the pond was beautiful.

I can't decide which shot I like better.  Oliver spotted a bird nest on the ground, empty except for one bit of broken shell.  As we paused by the edge of the water, we saw a kingfisher fly by.  When I returned a few hours later to go for my run/walk, I think I saw my first green heron but not 100 percent sure.  

There were several large patches of pale white lichen, they looked like miniature trees or underwater plants.  Then I saw this one little lone fallen mushroom.

On my run, I was able to go much further than I can with Oliver.  The path changed several times, forest floor covered in soft pine needles, a hilly part with close growing trees, an area of tall, lacy ferns - still very lush and green.   And a small brook, water quite low.  All beautiful.